Software for Mac


Note, all the following commands may require admin access, if permission is denied, prepend each command with sudo and type your password when prompted

In order to compile any code, you need to install the latest version of Xcode from the App Store. Once installed, open a terminal and check if the full Xcode package is installed,

$ xcode-select -p

If you see the second line, it is installed correctly and your session is aware of it. Now you need to install the command line tools for Xcode by running the following command and selecting ‘Install’ in the alert box,

$ xcode-select --install

You can check that they have been installed with,

$ xcode-select -p

And check you have a compiler with,

$ command -v gcc


Most of the software used by SNO+ was written with Linux in mind. To get some graphical tools working, Mac OS X users will need to install XQuartz; OS X used to ship with an X11 Windows System installed by default, then an optional extra, and has since dropped support, refering uses to the open source XQuartz project.


Although not a requirement, iTerm2 is an alternative terminal than the Mac OS X provided Terminal. It has closer compatability with common Linux terminals, and provides very useful features.


Although not a requirement, Homebrew is almost an essential tool for those who actively use command line tools on OS X. Homebrew is a package manager for command line tools, giving you access to an easy method of installation for all your favourite command line tools.

Installation is as simple as copying and running the following command:

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Homebrew is designed to work without using sudo, and installation of programs is as easy as your favourite package manager on Linux,

$ brew install wget

It is suggested that you add the offical science repository to offer access common applications used by scientists,

$ brew tap homebrew/science

Thus installing ROOT is as simple as

$ brew install root

rather than

$ brew install homebrew/science/root